Friday, January 15, 2010

True Value Homes Chennai Manufactured Homes Always Have Quick Depreciation In Value?

Manufactured homes always have quick depreciation in value? - true value homes chennai

I heard some people who manufacture / mobile homes always lose value quickly over time, is that true?
if the house their own country?
Not worth buying? It is a waste of money?

1 comment:

Rambo said...

Yes, Manufactured Homes impairment. Although the Earth. The country may increase in value, but the house no. You're better off building a small house built to a website structure is, if you are worried about the resale value. If you plan the rest of your life, no matter, then the value. You will also find good deals on houses is sometimes used. He had bought land and a mobile home 2 years less than half of it is "new" costs. I stayed there for about 5 years until I had my construction of permanent houses. I could at the same price I bought it to sell. It was essentially about 5 years. Everything depends on the situation, it suffices to consider before deciding anything.

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